About The Ridge

Our Vision
We believe that Jesus welcomes all with open arms and therefore we should do the same. All are welcome at The Ridge, and we mean all. We want all who pass through our doors to feel connected, loved and accepted.
Our Mission
To build relationships with people and communities as we teach them to become disciples. It is our desire at The Ridge that people feel comfortable no matter their situation and to feel welcome into our family. Our mission statement, ‘Connecting People Along The Way’ says what we’re all about: helping people connect. We are ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
Early History
In 1851 and in a roughhewn log schoolhouse by the side of the Old Santa Fe Trail some five miles south of Independence (about Old Highway 40 & Blue Ridge Boulevard) a small group of farmers established a new Methodist congregation. The church served the Blue Ridge and Raytown area for seventy-four years. In 1991, the church underwent a renovation and expansion with a goal to enhance congregational involvement, and improve conditions for worship, special services and presentations. Groundbreaking for construction with the theme “Opening Our Doors to the Future” was held July 11, 1999. A new west and east entry along with a Beatitude Room, and a Sanctuary renovation were all complete by May 2001. Blue Ridge continues to be engaged in vital ministry today on the same corner where God planted us in 1851. Follow the link below to read or browse through our full history here.
What We Believe
The United Methodist Church is a denomination actively engaged worldwide with open hearts, open minds, and open doors. The mission of The United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
The early Methodists along with John Wesley placed primary emphasis on putting faith and love into action through Christian living. This emphasis on what Wesley referred to as “practical divinity” has continued to be a hallmark of United Methodism today.