Worship -Does it Really Matter?
September 1, 2024
“Forgiveness” PREACHING: Ron Ruisinger
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/1211770846680095
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/972561758003887
Not Available
August 25, 2024
“Beatitudes” PREACHING: Paul Bond
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/2221348838235192
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/503476955605109
Not Available
Friday, August 23, 2024
Community Worship Music vs Singing vs Worship Part 2.
6:30 pm “Night of Worship” Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/3620348664897276
August 18, 2024
Community Worship Music vs Singing vs Worship Part 1.
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/491804883603588
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/2013620155755366
August 11, 2024
Worship as warfare
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/850300336722419
August 4, 2024
Sacrifice of Praise
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/7931715726907826
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/887585963209720
Are you still waiting?
Are you waiting for the Lord to Answer your prayer? Are you waiting for your marriage to be healed? Does your heart ache, because your child has walked away from God? Are you waiting for healing, or for God to mend a broken relationship? Don’t lose hope! God has the ability to change lives, and I am living proof, and so are you! I am not the person I was before I met the Lord…heck, I am not the same person I was a year ago! God is always working on us, and on our behalf. But God works in ways that we can’t understand, and there are many “puzzle pieces” that need to fall into place, and God does not force those pieces to fit…He gently shapes them, so they are able to slide into place…a perfect fit, but that takes time, because God is good and gentle.
Don’t stop praying. Don’t stop trusting in God, because He has not forgotten about you! It might help to read the story in Daniel chapter 10! Daniel was given a vision, he knew that it was concerning him, and his people, but he didn’t understand what it meant, so he prayed for understanding. Not only did he pray, but he also fasted…for 21 days! For 21 days Daniel trusted that the God that he loved and served, heard his prayers, and for 21 days…nothing happened…and then something did happen! Angel arrived to bring understanding to Daniel regarding his vision, and why it had taken so darn long for him to get there, and we can take comfort in that, because we sit in that same place at times, while we wait on the Lord.
From Daniel’s perspective nothing was happening. Maybe he thought that God was not listening, or didn’t care, maybe that thought crossed his mind, but Daniel had a history with God, Daniel had seen God do a few things in his time, so Daniel kept praying, and he continued his fast… and when the angel arrived, Daniel realized that there was a spiritual battle taking place, that he could not see. Daniel learned that the moment he had lifted his voice in prayer, God had dispatched a heavenly messenger to bring wisdom and comfort to His faithful servant Daniel. But you know that Satan does not want God’s people to have hope, he does not want God’s people to be assured of God’s particular care and love for His people, so Satan tried to intercept the message, and he still uses this type of warfare, against God’s children today. God’s messenger battled 21 days against a spiritual being called the “The prince of the kingdom of Persia”, and we are told that the angel fought, until God sent a reinforcement…the angel Micheal, allowing the angel with the message to slip away and deliver God’s message of understanding and hope to Daniel.
I am writing this because I know so many people, right now, who are weary with waiting, and they are feeling faint in their faith. I have walked with the Lord for many years, and I have prayed for many things, and I have waited, some of the answers took 15 years, and in those 15 years of waiting I would love to say that my faith never faltered, but that would be a lie, but each time I doubted; God would send a messenger of hope…No not an angelic being, but an angel none the less, He has sent strong people to encourage me, or led me to a certain scripture, or a certain sermon that was “just for me”, so that I would know that He was there! God also used worship to encourage me, worship in prayer, and spiritual songs, to draw me close to Him. God kept me in the faith! And my friend He is doing the same for you…hang in there! you are not forgotten! You have no idea how many people are praying for you, maybe even people that you do not know. Many, many years ago, at the very beginning of my spiritual journey, my “spiritual mom” prayed this; “Lord, I pray that you will keep Ginny, even when she doesn’t want to be kept”. That prayer was prayed at one of the worst times in my “walk”, it was prayed with a southern accent, and lots of faith and love, and that prayer held, and I pray the same for you! – Ginny Axelrod
July 28, 2024
Worship as a lifestyle
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/816418517136628
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/374957805342954
If you were to ask me what little bit of “understanding” has changed my life the most, I would say knowing that God is sovereign.
The doctrine of God’s sovereignty may not be mentioned by word, but the concept is in every book of the Bible. It is in the story of creation, where God creates all things out of nothing with nothing more than His Word and declares the goodness of that creation. God also gives Adam dominion and care of the world; this also demonstrates God’s sovereign rule. It is laid out, in concept, throughout Psalms, God ruling over the actions of man, raising up rulers, bringing rulers down, and laughing at the foolish plans of the wicked. It is in the story of Moses, as he floats down the Nile, and is scooped out by Pharaoh’s daughter. It is celebrated in the story of Joseph, and this is one of my favorite examples. Joseph was sold into slavery. He was a good servant, and earned the trust of his owner, but his owner’s wife lied about him, and he wound up in prison. All very unfair, and as we read it through the first time we are outraged, but as we read through, with the understanding of God’s sovereign will, we are able to see God’s hand moving pieces on the “chess board” of Josephs life. You can read this in Genesis 37- 50. We see God using the bad things that people do, to bring about His ultimate will for the good of Joseph and his family. But the story is not just about Joseph and his family, it presents a picture of Christ, a foreshadowing of one man suffering for the benefit of a group of people, or in the case of Jesus, one man suffering for the good of the world. Because of Joseph’s suffering, the birth line of the Messiah was ensured. Joseph spent many years tucked away in prison, and I imagine that he felt forgotten at times, but God was just setting the stage, arranging strategic meetings while incarcerated, bringing about the perfect timing for Joseph’s gifts to be used. Remember how after Joseph interpreted the dreams of two of Pharaoh’s servants, and he asked that they remember him to Pharaoh? You know, “put in a good word for me with the boss”, the surviving servant did not…until the time was right. If the servant had mentioned Joseph when he had been restored to service, Pharaoh would probably not have taken much notice, but in his time of troubled sleep, Joseph’s gift for interpreting dreams made him a person of interest and value to Pharaoh. It’s all about timing. And we see this theme throughout all of scripture.
God is omniscient, He knows everything, He knows what the future holds, so He knew where Joseph needed to be, so that he could do some “networking”. Joseph didn’t know this, at the time he was an innocent man, falsely accused and condemned, and I imagine that he was confused. ”Why would God not deliver me?”, “Does God even hear my prayers?”, and maybe you feel the same way. I know that I have! But I can promise you…God has not forgotten you, and He does hear your prayers.
One of the wonderful things about the Bible is that we get a “birds’ eye” view, we are able to connect the dots and see what God is doing. People like Joseph, or say Job, did not have that benefit, they simply had to trust in God. They knew who God said He was, and they trusted. And we must do the same. By reading His Word, and looking back over our own “stories”, we will see the same theme of God’s sovereignty, and while the journey may have been nerve wracking, we can, in the end, see that He had a plan all along, and He was guiding events for our benefit, and more importantly, His glory! We may realize that the journey would have been less stressful, if we had just kept our mind set on the fact that God has never failed us, and we may realize that the journey could have been, yes, even a time of peace, if we remembered that God is who He says He is, and that you are precious to Him, and every detail of your life is known to Him, and He is managing them in such a caring way, for your benefit, and for your growth!
The season of suffering is rough, but with the understanding that God loves you, and that He is good, and that He is sovereign, can transform that season from a season of anxiety to a season of growth. When we choose to trust God in our suffering, or in times of uncertainty, our faith grows, and as we choose to offer our sacrifice of praise, and enter His courts…in spite of our fear, in spite of our pain…we find that His presence is a place of comfort and security, and we know that no matter what the future holds, we know that our future may be uncertain to us, but it is not uncertain to God, and we can trust His divine plan for our lives. If we choose to worship God in this season, we will find that because God inhabits the praises of His people, we will have peace and maybe even joy in this time. God is sovereign….it’s just part of His character, and it is one of the many things that makes Him worthy of worship….but I have found that when I worship, I am the one who benefits, when I worship I am filled with joy, I experience a closeness to God that makes all the bad things in life feel less significant, and I feel peace. We are called to worship…but I cannot imagine why my worship would be so valuable to God. Maybe it’s important to God because He knows how healing it is for us, and He wants for us to be whole. God is a good loving Father, and He wants us to receive all the gifts that He has for us, and one of those gifts is worship! – Ginny Axelrod
July 21, 2024
Why worship? What is worship?
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/1317171463028444
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service: https://www.facebook.com/BRBUMC/videos/1129128884839481
Worship is a beautiful offering to the most high God. It is not something that we only do at the beginning of our Sunday morning service…worship should be intertwined with every moment of our lives.
Some folks may think that worship is a Sunday morning thing…you know, those few moments when we join our voices together and sing our praises to God, but worship is so much more.
When we walk into church on a Sunday morning and hug a brother or a sister, God loves to see His love displayed amongst His children; it pleases Him, and that can be worship. Taking the time to listen about someone’s life, and then taking a moment to pray with them; that is worship. Greeting and welcoming visitors in the name of Christ; that is also worship. Preparing the coffee for those who will come; that is worship. The preaching of the Word; that is worship. When the pastor points us to God and expands our understanding of who God is, or maybe just reminds us; that is worship. When we listen and seek to make changes in our lives because of that preaching, or because of our own studying; that is worship. When we adjust our thoughts and opinions to align with what God says in His Word, even if they contradict the “truths” which we have held to our whole lives; that is worship.
Studying the Word of God changes us. There are times that I have come across a verse that I have read many times, and yet there are times that I feel as though I have a new understanding, as though God is showing them to me in a new light, or that I am understanding them in a new way…and it can be convicting! There are times that the “new” understanding contradicts my understanding of the world and how it works, and I have to adjust MY understanding, because I know that God is right! When I read my Bible, I am always encouraged by who God is. I have read my bible through many times, but it never gets old, and I am always learning new things about my Father, and I always see how very desperately I need His wisdom, His guidance and His love. All of that is worship, and because it brings me to a deeper understanding of who God is, and that increases my desire to spend time with Him, this perpetuates the cycle of worship!
Our lives should be one of worship. In everything we do, it can and should be an act of worship, and as we feed our spirits with the Word of God, and bask in His presence in prayer, we grow in our love and passion for God, and that tends to overflow into our daily lives. It affects how we live our lives. We begin to see our lives as a mission to live out His will with zeal…and people see that, and they are drawn to it.
When our lives are viewed as one big worship fest, even the most mundane chores become an act of service to God, and thus become a sacred act of worship…shopping, mopping the floor, going to work, or scooping the Kitty litter box, can all be a sacred act of worship! And then when you come to church on Sunday, and join in worship through music, it will be a natural extension of your life of worship, and it will be so enriching, and fulfilling….it is like recharging your battery, and you will be ready to take your passion for God, out into the world, and share God’s love with the world….and the world…all those people, need God’s love! And they will see that love as you live your life in constant worship.
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians – Ginny Axelrod