Life, Letters and Theology of Paul
November 24, 2024
The Biblical Truth
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service:
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service:
Heavenly Father, You are good! And as I pray this, I know that there are not words enough, or words with enough depth to describe what I feel for you. Thank you for seeing me, as I swam along in the sea of humanity, thank you for snatching me up in your net, and breathing life into me, and opening my eyes so that I could see you. Thank you for removing my heart of stone, and replacing it with a new heart, so that I could love you. Thank you for renewing my mind, so that I could know the unknowable, and believe the unbelievable, thank you for giving me life in the Spirit. I know that I am never alone because your Spirit lives inside me. Please help me to recognize His voice, as He guides me with wisdom, and allow me to receive His comfort. Make me willing and even joyful to obey your voice. Please help me to grow. Please help me to know more of you. Please help me to be a student of the Word that you gave us, not for vain glory…please keep my motive pure in all that I do. To you be all the glory! – Ginny Axelrod
November 17, 2024
What’s So Good About Grace? Understanding Grace
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service:
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service:
Do you want the good news first, or the bad news?
When my husband has asked me that question over the years, I have always responded with “hit me with the bad news:, because the bad news may be hard to swallow, but a nice tall glass of “the good news” makes it go down easier!
No one likes to receive “bad news”, but without the “bad news”, the good news definitely would not be as sweet, and The Gospel is the very best of the “good news” category. But…the bad news is essential for a person to understand how very sweet the Good News is.
Here in America, so many of our pulpit’s water down the message of the Gospel. We are told by one mega church pastor that Jesus came so that you can “live your best life ever:, and many others preach a similarly watered down version of the Gospel. I get it, if you want to fill seats, and sell books…a positive message is what sells! So, let me ask you this…If all the mega churches are filled with people who have been transformed for Christ, then why are we not seeing them impact our world for Christ? I mean the third largest church in America, Lakewood Church, boasts 45.000 members, and that’s just one mega church. We have a lot of them here in the U.S. Shouldn’t we be seeing an impact on our society with all those members, of all the many mega churches turned loose on society? We should be having a country wide revival, but we aren’t. Why is that?
The Gospel changes lives, and those lives have an impact on the other lives around them; that is the nature of the Gospel. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus joins one of the Pharisees for a meal. While He is reclining at the table, a woman of ill repute crashed the party. The woman washed Jesus’ feet with her repentant tears, and dried them with her hair, and then anointed them with precious ointment. The Pharisee, of course, did not approve! He thought, “If Jesus was so smart, why did He allow an immoral woman to even touch Him? Obviously, Jesus just didn’t know”. Oh, Jesus knew, and He also knew the thoughts of the Pharisee, and did a little “story time”, and shared this parable.
“A certain moneylender had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii and the other fifty. When they could not pay, he cancelled the debt of both. Now which of them will love him more?” Simon answered, “The one I supposed, for whom he cancelled the larger debt.” Jesus said to him, “You have judged rightly”. (Luke 7:41-43)
Jesus tells the Pharisee that this woman of ill repute came in humbly, washed his feet as she wept over her sin, whereas the Pharisee did not even offer the customary bowl of water for Jesus to clean off the dirt of His travels, and according to the custom of the day, that was quite an insult. The comparison was clear; the Pharisee who was respected and had influence did not see the need for a savior,
whereas the “scarlet” woman was broken by her sin. Both the Pharisee and the woman were in the presence of Jesus, but only one had the self-awareness to understand that Jesus was the only remedy for sin.
So, let’s take a look at the bad news:
We all begin life with a debt that we are unable to pay, and that debt is sin. This is true for all mankind. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23, 1 John1:8)
There is a price for sin; “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”. (Romans 6:23, John 3:18). This speaks of a spiritual death, and it is for eternity. What does that look like? I will never know, and I don’t want you to know either!
You are unable to save yourself; “He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit.” (Titus 3:5, James 2:10).
You may be a “nice guy”, but that is not enough to get you to heaven, because your niceness, or put biblically, your righteousness is but filthy rags before a Holy God. “But God”, there it is…But God, who is rich in mercy, provided a way for hopeless humanity to receive forgiveness for their sins, and that was by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! Every sin that I have committed was paid for with the amount of wrath that I deserved, and it was poured out on Christ. Every selfish act, every scheming plan, every ugly thought, everything was measured out in wrath and poured out on my Savior. I deserved it, but I have been spared, and because of that, I don’t want to sin. I do of course, but each time I do, I am broken…because my sin has added suffering to my Savior. Salvation means that we are changed, we are now forgiven. Sanctification means that we are changing; always growing, in our love for God, in our understanding and gratefulness of what we have been saved from, and in our desire to share that transformative “Good News”, with the world! How can we not be desperate to share? It really is a matter of life and death!
One day it will be too late, but as long as you are breathing, there is time. No one knows the date of their last breath, so today is a good day to know that God sees your sin and it will not be excused, otherwise God would be a corrupt judge; the price must be paid, and it was. God, being rich in mercy, sent His sinless Son to bear the pride of your sin…forgiveness is there waiting for you, and all you have to do is ask for it, then the amazing journey begins! And of course you will be so grateful that you will feel compelled to share. You remember the Faberge shampoo commercial…”I told two friends, and they told two friends”, forget aboutt the shampoo, just tell two friends about Jesus and just see what happens. If we all did this, I think we would see a very different world. – Ginny Axelrod
November 10, 2024
Forgiveness, Love and Acceptance
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service:
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service:
The Arms of the Father
The elections are over, and we are a very divided nation. I have seen, on social media, women shaving their heads in protest. I have seen videos of people posting signs saying, “If you voted for Trump, you are not welcome here, ever”. I have listened to declarations of, “ I am leaving the country”, I have heard “rants”, about people saying they are “cutting off” any family members who voted red, and I have heard the media advise, that you should indeed, cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas with family, if they voted for Donald Trump. Newscasters have blamed white women for the election, saying that they should be held accountable …does anyone see a problem? Regardless of how you voted, you should have a problem with all of this, because we are Christians first, and we are to be united, and it is our job to offer hope and comfort to those in crisis, and there are a lot of people who are feeling pretty hopeless. I hope that I can offer some words of hope, as well as a little perspective.
Some of you may be feeling disappointed, some of you may be feeling fear, fear of what comes next. I know many people woke up on November 6th, feeling like life as we know it has just ended. There are many heavy hearts out there right now! So, I would ask the question…Who is your God? What do you know about Him? Because if you are feeling hopeless, then who better to turn to then the one who created all things, holds all things together, and rules over all those “things”!
The first thing to remind yourself of is that God is the one who rules over all nations, and He is the one who elevates kings or rulers. He raised up Joe Biden, and He has raised up Donald Trump, which you may think this is a mistake on God’s part but note from the following verses that wisdom and power belong to our God, we can and should trust in His wisdom. There are times that a ruler is raised up for the favor of HIs people, and there are times that a ruler is raised up for His judgement, and only time will tell which is the case.
“Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
wisdom and power are his.
He changes times and seasons;
he deposes kings and raises up others.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the discerning.
Daniel 2:19
The second thing I encourage you should remind yourself is that you, as a Christian, are to pray for your leaders. I realize that this may be hard for some of you, the thought of going before your heavenly Father, and standing in the “gap” to pray for the incoming president is unthinkable, but we need to remember that every single soul is precious to God, and everyone needs grace and mercy…and have you ever thought there might be people out there that think that YOU don’t deserve mercy. We don’t get to decide who is deserving of grace, because in all actuality…No one deserves grace, it is a gift from a good God, who saves wretched sinners from themselves, and we are called to pray that all men would come to the knowledge of a gracious God. We are also commanded to pray for our leaders; 1 Timothy 2:1-4, clearly leads us to pray for those in authority, “that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness”. If you want a “peaceful and quiet life” …pray for the incoming administration, pray God would guide President Trump…You are called to do this, and Paul tells us that it is “pleasing in the sight of God our savior”, and really you should do it with a fervency because it is in your best interest…If the president leads well and with wisdom, then the nation will be blessed, and we all want that. We want to be that “city shining on a hill”, that safe haven for the oppressed, but also a safe haven for the oppressed that live here…and I am also talking about the spiritually oppressed! So, pray! Pray for our country, pray for a peaceful transition, pray for those who are having very strong reactions to the results of this election, that God would soothe them, and encourage them to turn to His opened arms for comfort.
I would also remind you that we have already had a Trump presidency, and our freedoms are still intact, so we should pray for Donald Trump; that God would guide him with the wisdom that only He possesses, that he would come to the full knowledge of God, as his Ruler and King, and that the Holy Spirit would lead him to revival, and that our country would have a revival also, and that there would be an outpouring of His Spirit, and that many would come to know the love and grace of God.
If you are a republican, and you woke up on Wednesday and you were happy and relieved…please pray for those who are fearful, and please don’t gloat…it is unattractive and the opposite of a Christ-like attitude. Have compassion, and understanding, and pray to have discussions that will encourage and lift up those who are afraid at this time. Also, remember this; Donald Trump is not the savior, but we should all pray that he is used as a tool by the Savior. If our nation receives mercy, it will be because we all cried out on behalf of our country, and God heard and granted our petitions! God loves the people He created, every human is a unique and lovely creation that God formed in the womb, and He wants all to hear the message of forgiveness for sins, He wants all men to be saved, and you…whether Red or Blue, have a responsibility to share that hope, with all mankind…whether they are Red or Blue. My last plea is this; please do not let this divide, that is what the enemy’s intent is…to divide, and foster hate, please don’t take his bait! Stay strong in the Lord, and if you need to “runaway”….Let the place you run to, be your Father’s arms! – Ginny Axelrod
November 3, 2024
Christ Revealed!
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service:
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service:
Is your belief system founded on biblical truth?
I believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of Truth. I believe that God, through His Holy Spirit, imparted the words to the writers of scripture, but I believe that God is the author. I believe this with all my heart and soul. I believe in a literal 6-day creation. I believe that there was a worldwide flood, and that Noah and his family were spared. I believe that God changed Aaron’s staff into a serpent. I believe that God parted the Red Sea, allowing His children to pass. I believe that God caused the shadow on the steps to go backwards at Isaiah’s request (2 Kings 20). I believe that on Joshua’s behalf, God halted the sun’s course, allowing Joshua’s army to win the victory (Joshua 10). I believe that an axe head floated to the surface of a stream, as commanded by Elisha…by the power of God. I believe Jonah was swallowed by a whale. I believe that Hezekiah was granted 15 additional years of life. I believe that the three Hebrew children went into the fiery furnace and were protected by the pre-incarnate Son of God, and I believe that Daniel was delivered from the lion’s den.
With that being said, I realize that there are many people, even Christians, who do not agree with me, and I am perfectly ok with that. I have been called ignorant, uneducated, naive, and delusional, and I am also ok with that. I understand. The miracles of the Bible are pretty sensational, and they seem to be over the top…and they are, because they are after all miracles, and miracles are not meant to “make sense”, the point is to defy logic, to confound human reasoning, and to point mankind to the One who is above it all, and rules over it all, miracles are a sign that point to God.
Jesus turned water into wine, Jesus walked on water, Jesus asserted His authority over the weather and calmed the storm. And Jesus fed the multitude with five loaves and two fishes. How was He able to do these things?
Colossians 1, has this to say about Jesus, “He is the image of the invisible God”, “For by Him all things were created”. Jesus is God, and in His life on earth we see exactly who God is. We are further told that He created all things. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit created it all…the laws of science, the laws of physics, the laws of mathematics…all of it, but not only that, He rules over those laws, and He operates outside of them. I’ll say it another way. Jesus is not bound by the natural law, and therefore can bend them. That is our God.
When I think of the creation narrative, and read the various commentaries, I find that there are some who want to squeeze the marvelous account of creation, into a “reasonable” box, that box being the old earth theory, and it would say that a “day” may not be a literal day…a day could have been thousands of years, therefore we can agree with “the science”. And for the most part I don’t really care whether the earth is 6,000 years old, or millions, except for this; The God revealed in scripture does wonderful things…impossible things. This is the Triune God; one, yet three. We cannot understand Him. We cannot comprehend HIs power. Could He have created the earth and all in it within the old earth model time frame…yes, but I don’t think He needed that extra time. When I think of the use of “time” in scripture, it is very straightforward, a day is always a day…now I know what you’re thinking and the verse that has popped into your mind, 2 Peter 3:8, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day”, but that verse is not referring to creation, it is instead encouraging his readers not to lose hope as they wait for God to fulfill His promise, Peter is pointing out that God is not bound by time as we humans are. In Genesis, God uses precise language, “and there was evening and morning “, meaning each day of creation had a clear beginning and a clear end. That is God’s account of how He created the world, and I believe Him, and from what I know about God, what He has revealed of Himself in the Bible, and through His Son, I think, sure creating the world in millions of years is pretty cool, but creating the world in six days….that’s sensational, and that makes more sense to me…what is more spectacular, taking millions of years to create it all, or doing it in a week? Also, consider this; If you were Satan, how would you draw people away from God? I would cast doubt on what God says…You know like he did in the garden. I would sway the opinion of the masses to consider the Bible as a book of fables that only uneducated, gullible idiots would believe in. I would make it a shameful thing to proclaim in the God of the Bible and adhere to the moral code it lays out. I’ve been called the names, but I still believe I’ve been shamed, but I’m not ashamed. I believe, because He has revealed Himself to me in such a profound way that it changed my whole life, and it changed my understanding of life…there is no going back.
I don’t think you have to believe the 6-day model to be a Christian, I know a lot of Christians want to explain away all the miraculous deeds within scripture… But boy, oh boy, the God of the six day model is pretty amazing…He is the one who rules over science, heals disease, multiplies a meal, raised His Son from the dead….and that God…did the impossible…He took my heart of stone and replaced it with a new heart, and He forgave all of my sins, and He can do the same for you!
– Ginny Axelrod
October 27, 2024
Our Faith Found in a Righteous God
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service:
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service:
Not Available
October 20, 2024
What Makes Christianity Difficult? Christianity is easy, if it were not for people.
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service:
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service:
Abraham was called out from the city of Ur. He was called out personally by Jehovah. Abraham lived in a culture that worshipped many gods, so to be introduced to a monotheistic system of worship was foreign. Abraham lived in a brutal world. The strong ruled, and the weak were oppressed and pressed into serving the strong. The strong took what they wanted, and there was no system in place to protect the victims. Through Abraham, God would build a nation that would be different, this nation would be set apart, they would live differently, they would eat differently, and they would worship differently. They would be taught that each life has value, from the smallest to the largest, from the weakest to the most powerful. God considers each life that He has created to be of great value, and He would teach His children this. This was a foreign concept in a world where the strong overpowered the weak, and the powerful decided the fate of the powerless…while putting their own best interest before the people that they ruled over. It was not a very nice time to live in, because people were not nice. It was a brutal violent culture, because the rulers ruled with an iron hand, and did not care about justice…justice was not even a consideration. Through the Abrahamic “religion”, justice was introduced to this world. The value of human life…brought to you by the Abrahamic religion.
God promised that all the nations would be blessed, through Abraham’s seed, and they have been. Hospitals, orphanages, humanitarian organizations, colleges and schools all inspired by people who wanted to spread the Gospel and make the world a better place. God’s purpose for Israel was that they would be a culture, within a culture…a counterculture if you will, and that that “counterculture” would have an effect on neighboring communities. They would contrast the brutality of the surrounding nations by their love for, and their worship of Yahweh, their love, and care for the weakest amongst them, and they would infiltrate these cultures with these new ideas, and some within these cultures, would come to know the God of Abraham. Rahab, the harlot, heard all about the God of Israel, and choose His mercy. Ruth, a Moabite, learned about God through Naomi’s faithfulness, and both of these women were saved, and won a place in the lineage of the Messiah! Their lives, and their futures were changed forever!
We are in a similar position that Israel was in. We are followers of Christ, and we are called to be different. Not just different, but Paul tells us that we are a peculiar people. We are to be so different that OUR neighbors see the difference. Our little counterculture should present a glaring contrast to the culture that we live in, and our values should align with the God of Israel’s values. Our hearts should break for what God’s heart breaks for, and God’s heart breaks over sin, because sin separates man from God, but also sin is a destructive force, that consumes everything…except the desire to sin. There is no small sin, and there is no large sin, all sin is equal in the sense that it is an offense to God, and that it leads to death. Think about it…there is no sin that builds up your body, or your mental health, or your relationships, and all sin causes a disruption in our relationship with God. Satan has a talent for making sin look good…just ask Eve. But in the end, sin just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Eve thought that the apple would make her like God, and make her free, but in the end, she became a slave to sin, and that is how we entered the world, slaves to sin. But God is love and loves His little creatures (you and me), and so, He provided a ransom for our sins. God Himself, paid to get you back! The price of that ransom was someone taking up that “debt” of sin, but the one who did this, had to be perfect and without sin. The only one who met that qualification was Jesus. God sent His Son…. who was not forced to do this, it was His joy…to die in your place. You now have Jesus’ clean, and sin-less slate! God now sees you through that “Jesus’ filter”, and your sins are no longer counted against you, and because of that you have favor with the God of all creation. You can go to Him any time! You can tell Him all your woes, all your fears, and He will listen. You can ask for direction, and He will give it, you can ask for wisdom, and He will provide it. He will never turn away, He will never shame you, or demean you, even when you fall into sin, He will be there to lift you back up. You have full acceptance, and no one loves you like God does! You will never be alone; you will always have the Holy Spirit comforting you and leading you on the right path. These are some of the benefits that we have because we are God’s children, and just like Israel we are called to infiltrate the culture, because God has chosen us to be His “ambassadors”. We are His chosen representation on this earth…and there are a lot of people out there that need this Gospel of hope, more now than ever.
Like Israel, we live in a brutal culture, where human life is not valued. Assisted suicide is alive and well, and even encouraged in Canada. Women and children are sold into slavery every day. Babies in the womb are slaughtered. As a society we have become uncaring, but God still cares. He loves the people who are facing the end of life, and He wants to walk with them and give them peace, and comfort them on their final journey. He detests human trafficking, so much that He used the church to fight against it, with the abolitionist movement. God loves each baby formed in the womb, and He also loves each mother who doesn’t think she has any other option, and we as Christians should care about these things as well!
The Gospel has been a world changing force throughout history. It has changed hearts, and lives, and because of that it has changed cultures. William Wilberforce was the voice used in his day, that would speak out against slavery, in a day that owning another human being was considered “normal”. It wasn’t an easy fight, but in the end, his movement was a success. Wilberforce was a Christian, and the fight that he fought, against the immorality of slavery, was God’s charge! Wilberforce’s fight began because he received the Good News, he then understood how valuable each and every life is to God, and then he did what he could to correct the injustices of his day. The Gospel changed history, and the lives of those who were enslaved. There is work to be done. There are lives that are held captive by the enemy, and they are in need of the Savior. You may not have the “reach” that William Wilberforce had, but someone shared the Gospel with William, and because of that his life brought about change. Who will be the Moses, or the Wilberforce of our day, leading all those souls out of bondage? I don’t know, but you might be the one who shares the Gospel with that future warrior…you never know. – Ginny Axelrod
October 13, 2024
Tithing and Generosity
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service:
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service:
I just wanted to add my “two cents” on tithing and generosity.
When Anchul and I got saved, we were taught that if you wanted/needed something from God, you needed to “plant a seed of faith”, and of course that seed was money. The theory was that God would see your faith and He would be persuaded to give you what you wanted/needed. This is a typical teaching in the Word of Faith movement, and that is where we got our start. We were told that as children of God we were not supposed to suffer, that we were meant to be healthy, and we were to have no lack in our lives. If your bank account was not bursting at the seams, then there was a problem. That problem could be that you just did not have enough faith, or that problem could be sin, and that sin was preventing you from living your best life ever. Of course, this “theology” directly contradicts the teachings of the Bible, but the verses used to support this theology are plucked out of context, and convince the masses to give, even if you don’t have it to give…because hey, you can put it on your credit card! This message is usually delivered by a man, or woman, who has benefited greatly from those seeds of faith. These men and women gain riches at the expense of the desperate; those in need of healing, or a financial miracle. Because of their faith in a preacher, they don’t bother searching the scriptures for what God really has to say about giving. Anchul and I sat under that kind of teaching for years. We were told that we should be wealthy, we should be healthy, and we should not have a problem in the world, and if we planted “a seed of faith” we would earn God’s favor. But here’s the thing…the moment I cried out to God for mercy, I had His favor!
Our journey of faith began on a very rocky road. The moment that we got saved the trials began. We were told that there must be sin somewhere in our lives, otherwise we would be prospering…or we were told that if we had enough faith we would not be suffering. In spite of the erroneous teachings that we sat under, God taught us that we could trust Him, and that He would provide for us, and at times that came in humbling ways.
In those days we owned a small business. Shortly after we opened our doors, I found out that I was pregnant. At the time I was a teacher at a daycare, but without notice to any of the teachers, the owner shut the doors, and just like that I was an unemployed, and uninsured, pregnant woman. Thankfully there were programs for people who find themselves in my position, but boy, oh boy, did that hurt my pride! But God provided care for my pregnancy, and I never wanted for anything. And that’s my point, God has always provided. There were days when I was down to one diaper, no food, and no money, and God would provide. I would get a call saying “Hey, there was a sale on diapers, and I felt like I was supposed to get you some.”, Or a friend calling on a day that I was genuinely wondering what in the world I was going to scrounge together for dinner, saying, “I made this huge batch of soup, and God told me to bring you some”. One Christmas I was given money for a Christmas tree…These women did not know about our financial woes, but God did, and He cared about all of my silly worries (not having extra money for a Christmas tree, and all my real-world concerns (not having money for food or diapers).
I have had many interesting experiences in which I have witnessed the hand of the Lord move in stunning ways, but my favorite is this, because it is so crazy. One day, after my oldest was born, I was driving home from a day of answering phones for our business. As I began the drive home, I looked at the gas gauge, and thought I should have enough gas to get to the gas station…I was wrong. As I heard the car sputtering, my heart sank, and I did not have very kind things to say to myself, because I was in a situation that I had created! I pulled to the side of the highway and got out of my car. As I stood there, another car pulled off to the side. A woman got out of the car and walked over to me. She asked what was wrong with my car, and I told her that I was out of gas, and she asked me what I was going to do, and I said, “well I’m gone pray, because what else can I do”, remember we did not have cell phones back in those days. So, I stood there with my baby in my arms, and a stranger by my side, and I prayed! This next part may seem unbelievable, but it happened. I opened my eyes, and a weather worn blue pickup pulled over, and out jumped a man. He did not say a word, but went to the back of his pickup, retrieved a red gas can, he then walked over to my car, and put gas into my tank, he never spoke a word, he turned and nodded, and got back into his weathered blue truck and drove off. I was dumbfounded, I did not even say thank you, I just watched. It was a bizarre thing; how did this man know that I was out of gas? Was he an angel? Maybe…but this was one of the faith shaping moments of my life. I was a young woman with a small baby at the side of the road, and I cried out for help, because God was the only one I could turn to, and He heard the prayers of a silly, young woman who gambled against her gas tank and lost. I don’t know if the man in the weathered blue pickup was an angel, but he was most certainly sent by the Lord to help in my time of need. I had done something dumb, but God didn’t care, He just saw my need, and He was there!
God has proven over and over in my life that He is my provider. I could write a book filled with scenarios of God’s generosity to my family, and all of the moments of struggle and trial, resulted in seeing the hand of the Lord move on our behalf, and made us secure in God’s promise to supply all our needs.
I had a pastor once say, “I don’t get upset about tithing ten percent of my income, because I’m amazed that He allows me to keep ninety percent, when it all belongs to Him.”, God owns it all, and He doesn’t need our money to keep a church opened, just like He doesn’t need for us to pray in order for Him to act on our behalf, but He gives us the honor of being part of His plan. The joy that comes with being part of that plan is amazing. You should never feel “guilted” into giving. If God tells you to give, you will feel a peace about it, and joy. Give joyfully what God has placed on your heart. This matter is between you and Him. Will there be a blessing? Yes! The joy of giving back to the Lord is an incredible thing. When we give to God there is always a blessing…you may not get rich as the televangelists promise, but your faith will grow, and your investment in His Kingdom will be gratifying!
The Ridge gives freely! God uses our hands to offer hope to the hopeless. God uses your generosity in accomplishing that! God could do it without your giving, but He includes you in that plan, and I think that is so nice of Him! When the church pays an electric bill, or buys groceries, or pays rent for someone, that is a seed planted for the Kingdom, a soul being softened towards the Gospel, and it is all important, and you all get to take part in that through your tithes and offerings! We are thankful for your generosity, and we pray that God will continue to provide for and bless each of you!
– Ginny Axelrod
October 6, 2024
My Will and His Glory (The Blessing of the Pets)
Our 10:00 am special service:
Not Available
September 29, 2024
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service:
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service:
Throughout the history of the world, we see a pattern. Now I should be clear, I view history as the continuing narrative of God’s immutable plan for His creation, or to put it another way, I consider the events of history through the “lens” of God’s sovereign will.
When we look through the pages of the Old Testament, we see a pattern of impossible odds and enabled victory. Now that is over simplified of course, the pattern is more like this; the people of God turn away from God, their affections, and dependance, and their worship are placed on or in something else. Each time this happens, the people forget about all the things that God has done on their behalf, and often turned to the worship of the “gods” of their neighboring nations, and they would adopt their pagan rituals as their own, and so many of those rituals went directly against Yahweh’s Laws, and folks, many of the rituals practiced victimized the weak and the vulnerable, and God would not stand for that…God did not want His people to take part in the rituals, or the cultural norms of the surrounding nations, because God’s people were to be different, or set apart. You see, there was a mutual agreement between Israel and God, or a covenant, “you will be my people, and I will be your God”. “You will be my people”, meant that the people of Israel would belong to God, and that meant that He would care for them. “I will be your God, meant that the people that God had chosen would keep His laws, and worship Him, and Him alone. Except they often didn’t.
So often Israel would be drawn away from true worship, and when that happened; life would get hard, and there was a reason for that. When Israel would look towards other nations to define what is right and what is wrong, their society would spiral down into darkness, and although God was always patient with them, eventually He would say…”ok, if you do not want to up hold your part in this covenant, then I will let you see what that will look like in your life”…God was not being unkind, rather, He was allowing them to experience the natural consequences of breaking their covenant, and without God’s hand protecting them, they became victimized by those stronger nations that they wanted to be like, and their lives would become hard… very hard! God always loved His children, so He would warn them through the prophets, and He would send signs of His power, like famines, and armies, but when they would not listen, He would give them over to what they desired, and that was to be like the other nations, and the nations they wanted to be like did not keep God’s Laws, and they were not under God’s covenant, and so they were not under His protection. Israel often experienced what it was like to live out from under God’s protective wing. But God was more faithful than the Israelites were, and He never left them in that place for long… but Israel often found themselves in dire straits. But the darker the time, the worst the odds…The more evident God’s works appear before man.
You remember the account of King Jehoshaphat, right? King Jehoshaphat found himself in a pickle! He received word that three neighboring nations had joined forces and were coming to destroy his city. There was no way that Judah could win a battle against these three bad boys, and to not win the battle meant destruction. Many of his men would die in battle, and the rest would be carried off into slavery. If you read about this in 2 Chronicles, you will see that it was a hopeless situation, but Jehoshaphat went before the Lord, and acknowledged that he and his people had no one else to turn to turn to, and that they would put their trust in God, and God, of course, had mercy! God caused the armies to turn on each other, and handed the victory to King Jehoshaphat, and all of his people were spared!
N ow if we take a look at Saul, and consider how very dark his life was before he met Jesus, I mean Saul was a man who loved his job, but his job was to destroy people’s lives…and all because he did not agree with them. He had a blood lust; he was passionate in his endeavor to exterminate those Jews who had accepted Jesus as the Messiah. Paul began his life as Saul, and there was darkness in him. He had been taught the scriptures, where God shows that He is a God of love and deliverance, and Saul had read of a God who offered that love, and deliverance to anyone who would come to Him in repentance. But despite all Saul’s studying, he failed to see the God of mercy. I guess that is one of the reasons that Saul’s transformation is so brilliant, because the darkness of Saul’s life; his hate for Jesus and the people that He died for…and the passion that he had for his mission to destroy the church is so greatly contrasted by his new life as Paul. Paul’s life mission went from one of destroying the church, to one of building, educating, and encouraging the church that he once passionately opposed. He went from hating believers in Christ, to loving them so much that he risked his life to carry the truth, and further instruction to them. Paul went from hating Christ, to loving Him with everything that he had, including his life. The contrast is spectacular!
I have come to understand that often in God’s narrative we see God’s people facing impossible circumstances; Jehoshaphat, facing assured destruction. Paul facing the darkness of his heart. These are just two examples, but the Bible is full of them, where God shows Himself in a miraculous way, but His work shines brighter because of the darkness which precedes it.
As I think about the state of the world, and as I said last week, as I pray and lament about all the things; war in Ukraine, Israel’s current situation, the dock worker’s strike, general inflation, the rise in violence, human trafficking, abortion, the devastation of the hurricane, the people who are hurting, and needing help, the callous attitude I see towards those people affected….my list is long. But as I pray, I hear a voice, saying “Yes, it is dark, but because it is so dark, my deliverance will be so glaring, there will be no doubt that it is I who delivers.
The history of the people of God is repetitive. The people strayed from their first love; God, and they would fall into sin, and sin always brought about bondage, but once the people realized that their circumstances were beyond their control, and that they were hopeless and helpless, they then would turn to God, who would deliver them in a mighty way. Think of the Red Sea moment, think of the Jews being led out of slavery, think of Jehoshaphat…and think of Paul, which just so happens to be my favorite miracle, because God took a man with a stone cold heart, whose passion in life was to kill the message of love, and replaced his heart with a heart of love, and Paul’s light shown so brightly because of the darkness that he had been set free of, and his message of love shined brightly in the dark world that he lived in. We live in dark times, but God has not forgotten about us, He is still “writing” His story, and He is still in control of the narrative, and you have been placed, with intention, in this chapter of the story, the plot may seem dark, but our “role” is to shine bright in the darkness, and remember that a single ray of light penetrates the darkness! – Ginny Axelrod
September 22, 2024
The Second Coming (May get into Revelation briefly)
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service:
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service:
My Friend!!! I have missed you and our time together, and I am so glad to be back! I had a lovely vacation, but whilst I was on vacation, God, most certainly was not! God was busily “refurbishing” areas of my life.
Thirty-four years ago, I met Jesus. I was twenty-four, and certainly not smart enough to know that I needed Him. I was not looking for Him; I had attended Saturday night Mass, faithfully, so I thought I already had Him. But one day, even though I was not looking for Him, Jesus found me, and my life has never been the same.
God has been working away at what I fancifully refer to as God’s “home renovation” for thirty-four years, and you would think, “surely it’s almost finished?”, and I would say a sadly….No, Not even close! That is part of the sanctifying process; realizing that I will never be perfect, but also realizing that God sees me through the “lens” of His Son’s perfection. I also take joy in the fact that God has promised that He will finish the little “fixer-upper” project that I am. “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it” (Philippians 1:6), and He is still working on me and boy do I feel it! But I know I can trust Him in it.
There are times in prayer that I list off all the things wrong in this world, to God…as if He is unaware. I lament over the state of the beautiful world He so artfully created, and how mankind takes it for granted, and misuses it….and “paves paradise and put up a parking lot”. I “worry” to Him about the bees, because bees are so clever, and work so nicely together, and their work is so important, and how man’s insecticide has diminished their population. I worry about corporations that heartlessly dispose of their waste, wherever they please, and how it affects all the creatures who live on this earth…including people. I complain to Him about the hearts of man, and how they seem to have grown cold and apathetic towards the suffering of their fellow man, and how the world seems to hate the God of the Bible. There is more…so much more, but you get the idea. The world is a dark place, and God is aware, but He listens even though He has heard it all before.
Just as God has promised to complete the work that He has started in me, God has also promised that the mess that we currently live in, will one day be made right.
Friend, God loves His creation…all of it, the earth with its varying typography; mountains, seashore, desert, valleys, God designed it all with such an artistic eye! The microscopic world that we cannot see with the naked eye…God made that, and loves it. God has created so many different kinds of animals, each serving a purpose…even sharks, and He takes joy in His creation, and I know as I pour out my concerns, that He understands, and even shares in my sadness, because this was His masterpiece, and we have treated it as though it were a disposable, never ending resource. But He has promised restoration. One day there will be a “New earth”, I’m not sure exactly what that looks like, but I know it will be amazing. And one day every knee will bow and profess that Jesus Christ is Lord! In the meantime…we do our best to care for this world, we pray that man would see it as the beautiful gift that it is, and turn to the God who created it, and worship Him with gratefulness. We can pray for the healing of our world, because God does care about it.
On October 6th, at 10:00, we will all join together in a blended service, to pray for our pets. This will be an unusual service…it may be a little messy, and noisy, but God has blessed us with our fur-babies, and we should thank Him for those good gifts, and we should ask that He would bless them with health and a good life. Bring your four-legged friend, bring a chair, and join us for The Blessing of the Animals. – Ginny Axelrod
September 15, 2024
“Follow the Leader”
God Is Love and We Are to Be Imitators of God
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service:
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service:
Not Available
September 8, 2024
“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”
First Steps
Our 9:00 am Traditional Service:
Our 10:30 am Contemporary Service:
Not Available