The Ridge: A Community Church

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What's Happening?

Call the office at The Ridge at 816-353-1435

Tuesday thru Thursday, 9:00am – 4:00 pm with your questions.

See More Information Below in Calendar of Activities. . . 

Here you’ll find calendar of activities, quarterly newsletter, and occasional local information as we continue ‘Connecting People Along The Way’.
Contact our church office at 816-353-1435 with any questions.
Hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 9:00 am-12:00noon and 1:00-4:00pm.

The Ridge Quarterly Newsletter 


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MARCH 5 – 6:00 PM

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. This 40-day period represents Christ’s time of temptation in the wilderness, where he fasted and where Satan tempted him. Lent asks believers to set aside this time each year for similar fasting, marking a season of focus on Christ’s life, ministry, sacrifice, and resurrection.

In addition to fasting from food in general, some Christians may give up a certain food, while others fast from distractions like social media.

Fasting strengthens both our faith and discipline, drawing us closer to God. Spiritually, it deepens prayer, builds self-control, and fosters humility.


Experience the Last Supper in unique ways.
Info coming soon.

Monthly Prayer Clinic – 

Every 2nd Thursday in even numbered months, from 6:00 -7:30 pm

The Prayer Clinic provides an opportunity for you to come to the church to pray, and to be prayed for.  Send, receive, bless, and be blessed. 

Pastor Anchul will be moving throughout the congregation, silently praying for all in attendance. 


Church Family Dinners Every Fifth Sunday

(There are four months a year that have five Sundays.)

  • Serving 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall following a special 10:00 am service.

  • Break bread, visit and enjoy the relaxed time together.

  • Check church bulletins for menu offerings.

  • CONTACT CHURCH OFFICE AT 816.353.1435 for more information or to check on cancellations.



We ring and sing from 10:25 – 11:50am at John Knox Village Assisted Care. 

We start with those in Memory Care 2, and then hop over to the Memory Care 1. 
Then we ring and sing for the residents eating lunch in the Fireside Restaurant from 11:20 – 11:50am.

Kansas City Area Bluegrass Club

Every first Friday, October through April here at The Ridge
the members of the Kansas City Area Bluegrass Club
gather and play for fun and entertainment. 

It’s an all FREE family friendly fun night beginning at 7:00
and lasting till 10:00 pm. 


⇓    Monthly CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES and small groups.    ⇓

Children’s Church 10:30 am

One Church / Two Services

Both Worship Services are on Facebook livestream every Sunday morning.  Traditional at 9:00 am and Contemporary at 10:30 am.

Three Adult Sunday School classes:
  8:00 am Good Samaritan Class*
  8:00 am Covenant Class
  10:00 am Builders Class

*Adults with physical and developmental disabilities; opportunity to apply bible lessons to daily Christian living.

Children Church at 10:30 am.

On February 1, 2019, the scouting program decided to accept girls and the Boy Scouts of America changed its name from Boy Scouts to Scouts BSA.     

Now Cub Scouting can combine boys and girls’ dens or have separate dens where they share hands on learning and achievement.

The boys and girls of Scouts BSA still experience the traditional scouting involvement as before.  Boy and girl troops can be linked together in the same Charter Organization where they have separate leadership and can meet at the same location.

The Ridge has supported our troop and pack 269 for 75 years in March 2023. We hope to have a 75th anniversary open house to celebrate this. Troop 269 now has more than 302 Eagle Scouts.

Troop leaders, volunteers, and families dedicate their time and talents continuing to make this a quality program. The success of scouting depends on our volunteers who serve in a variety of leadership roles so young people may benefit from our scouting ministry.

The Prayer Shawl ministry team knits, crochets, and prays as they use their time and talents in service. Their beautifully made shawls, after being prayed upon, are given to those needing comfort. To date they have distributed over 450 shawls around the community.  Contact the church office for information about joining the group.

The primary purpose of this program is to provide a safe and enriching day out for older adults who cannot be left alone while their caregiver is provided a much-needed break from their caregiving responsibilities. Call our church office at 816-353-1435 Tuesday – Thursday 9:00-4:00 pm for questions about Breaktime. 

This is a wonderful opportunity for a caregiver to have a break one day a week and enjoy some personal time. Breaktime is sponsored by Shepherd Center of Raytown. You’ll find more information about Breaktime under the programs tab on their website.

The United Women in Faith focus on ministries with women, children and youth locally and globally. They’re committed to inclusiveness; financial support; development of skills for service and leadership and personal growth. And they work with other organizations on issues of mutual concern. They have an active group “EVE” Circle” that meets the first Wednesday of the month at 11:00 am.

Some of their projects include Christmas Books and POP-Tops for Ronald McDonald House, Diapers, Wipes, TP, paper towels, and Trash Bags for Mother’s Refuge, and Prayer Shawl, which you can read all about in above listing.

The Ridge Book Club celebrated its twelfth anniversary in September 2021.  Started in 2009 by two women the group has read over 100 books ranging from mystery, adventure, favorite children’s books, romance, non-fiction, and others. Some original members are still in the group, and we have been blessed to welcome others to the group who have become good friends.  Meeting on the third Wednesday each month at 2:00 pm, we always begin with a delicious treat followed by a lively discussion with different members leading each week.  If you have questions, or would like to visit, please call the church.

Social time for retired seniors who meet at the church or at a local restaurant.

Golden Key Club is an organization for retired men and women who like to have Fun, Fellowship and good Food.  They meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 12:00 noon at a local restaurant or at the church (for a catered meal ranging in price from $5.00 to $10.00.) 

If meeting at the church there’s a short business meeting followed by entertainment. 

Please call the church office for reservations or for more information. 

Golden Key Club began in 1973 when two ladies saw a need for older adults to meet together, for spiritual growth and social interaction.  So, 46 years later they are still going strong and loving it.  Feel free to join them! If you don’t care to come for the meal but would like to hear the program, come ahead at 1:00 – they’ll welcome you!

The Prayer Clinic provides an opportunity for you to come to the church to pray, and to be prayed for.  Send, receive, bless, and be blessed. 

Pastor Anchul will be moving throughout the congregation, silently praying for all in attendance. 


The KANSAS CITY AREA BLUEGRASS CLUB meets at The Ridge the FIRST FRIDAY of each month October through April.  We hope you’ll come out some Friday night to check out the music. It’s all FREE – people from all walks of life love bluegrass music and the club meetings allow them a place to gather . . .  and it’s a safe, fun place for families with their children to submerge them in a truly American music.

Bluegrass First Fridays at The Ridge start Friday, October 7th, 2022, at 7:00 pm and it’s all FREE!

There’s jamming throughout the rooms downstairs where friends come together to play, meet other pickers, hear new music and make new friends. Bring your instrument and join in the fun. 

We’ll be having a “Walk-Thru Boo” on October 31 from 5:30-7:00pm.

Come all dressed up in your favorite costumes, you might even see some unusually dressed people greeting you! 

There will be some bible stories supported by some really fun games such as Noah’s Ark, Jonah and the Whale, Jesus Feeding the 5000, and David and Goliath. There will also be candy and it’ll all be indoors so you can stay nice and warm.  The event is Thursday, October 31, from 5:30 – 7:00.  Hope to see you there!



We ring and sing from 10:00 – 11:50am at John Knox Village Assisted Care located at 1704 NW O’Brien, LSMO, 64081. 

We start with those in Memory Care 2, and then hop over to the Memory Care 1. Then we ring and sing for the residents eating lunch in the Fireside Restaurant from 11:20 – 11:50am.